Originally Posted By: paul
...what if these stones are anchors?

Hiya Paul,

I love the anchor idea--it's so creative.
Do you think those T-shaped "anchors" would hold together; with the bottom of the T not pulling away from the top crossbar?
...and hey, maybe they just cut anchor at some point, but I don't know where the current location is in relation to the flood.
It's always fun to try and fit together some puzzle pieces that maybe nobody has tried before.

Later, I hope to have an economics question which I hope your wide-ranging inspiration will appreciate and help me develop further.

...but back on topic.
Ellis is right, as you know, about that Bospherous breach--allowing the Mediterranean to flood--into what was probably a very fertile, populated valley. But I don't know the timing on that one.
There were probably lots of glacial lakes that burst around the world during those times of dramatic recession (like now).

Also, as Ellis says, we don't have to be looking for the "actual GOE" ...where God prowled around.... wink
But we can see what may have inspired the myths, stories, oral histories, and written histories too--memories of a time when the climate favored a lush and productive land.

I am fascinated by the idea that our current domesticated crops and animals may have been the end result of some directed breeding way back 10-11,000 years ago.

~ smile

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.