The Black Sea? I asked because there was some evidence that suggested that the Bosphorus was breached by volcanic activity causing water to pour into the Mediterranian in historical Times, leading to the legend of the flood. Unlike the Garden of Eden the flood is mentioned in many ancient historical texts and there has been constant continuing volcanic activity in this area. I felt at the time I heard this that it was a reasonable idea, and one which seemed to fit the geological findings. (I have no sites to back this up! just memory).

The theory of Ur and Euphrates region being the start of modern civilisation is, I thought, well established. I just question that there was 'a garden of eden' in which god prowled around prior to making Adam before finally producing the summit of his creation, the intellectually curious Eve. It seemed strange to me to read a scientific discussion which was trying to prove a Creation Myth of one particular tribe to be true. What's next? Proof that the sun, which is flat, really does go round the Earth?