
since you brought up the flood , heres something else to think about concerning the megaliths.

what if these stones are anchors?

wouldnt a ship that houses so many animals need anchors?

and what if that ship were Noah's ark?

its resting place on mt ararat might be located 337 miles
to the north east of the site.


lat 39.675117°
lon 44.322920°

use google earth and view this point up close in the 3D view
the dimentions of this oblong bowl shaped area fits the dimentions of the ark described in genesis , there is also what
appears as a well trodden pathway that leads out of the area
about the center of the area.

a very suspicious looking resting place for the ark.

I would imagine that the animals and Noah's people would have hung around for quite some time and used the ark as shelter
before moveing to a now dryer place.

would noah's people want to keep these anchor stones perhaps
as memorabilia or sacred stones?

would they move them to a lower place perhaps where all the animals first went?

most likely the mountain top would have slowly been covered in ice and they might have moved the stones to prevent them from getting lost in the ice.

the shape of these stones would easily adapt to anchors that
you would slip two loops over vs tying and untying ropes to them.

because of the T shape of the stones.

I would suspect that these stones could have been stored along the keel of the ship to steady the ship durring rough seas.

it makes sence to me at least , and might be the reason that animals are depicted on the stones.


if you want a easy way to find the lat and lon position in google earth , just make a placemarker anywhere in google earth ,
then plug in the above lat and lon using the placemarkers properties box , by right clicking on the placemarker.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.