“ Bored chemist” wrote to me:

"God creates virtual particles as Quantum theory says."
No it doesn't.
============ . .
“ Bored chemist” is right. God doesn't creates virtual particles.
Quantum theory says that virtual particles were created by
Vacuum, Aether, Nothingness, . . . .by . . . the Word.

In the beginning it was One Word.
And the Word was written down
by the formula: T=0K.
This Word was not died, as Quantum Theory says,
but It was Alive One.
In the beginning it was One Word and than became Second.
The Second One was written by another formulas:
C/D = pi , E = Mc^2, R/N = k , h = 0 , i^2 = -1.
And then the First Word said to the Second One:
' Enough to rest. Be Light quanta.’
And It became the Light quanta.
( According to Planck’s spin / impulse h =1.)
This Light quanta had the absolute speed of motion:
c=1. ( Michelson’s experiment.) It flew all over the
Universe amazing its beauty, and having a careless life.
But one day the First Word said to the Second One:
'It is not possible to have a careless life all the time.
You must work'.
And then the Light quanta began to work as an Electron.
( According to Goudsmit - Uhlenbeck's impulse / spin:
( h = h/ 2pi) and Lorentz transformations.)

' Well' , said the First Word, 'now you can create
all The Beings ( stars, planets, atoms, . . .etc) yourself '.
And the long period of Evolution began.