About " The third Newton's law ".

One no imagine story about " The third Newton's law ".
" The action is equal to counteraction." was the great scientific discover.
In a wood it was spoken only about it.
Every animal suddenly became brave and run to the king Lion
Every animal cried to him: "strike me." And as the animals begged
as the king began to beat. Many animals were wounded.
"It is not under the law", the animals were indignant,
"Under the law the king must also be wound "
But Lion beat and he spits on their law.
All animals scientists worried and began to search why the law doesn’t work.
And when one old scientist Badger has found the answer.
He said:
" The law of action is equal to counteraction is true only in static situations .
But there, where the physical force works, the law is inactive ".
I am sure, you can now apply this Badger’s concept to many physics areas.

To every action there is NOT an equal and opposite reaction.
Because in QT " The third Newton's law " must submit to
“ The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle ”.