Originally Posted By: Thislin
can only illustrate, not prove
The bat example isn't just a void metaphore - it's a real clue, how the aspatial Universe can be constructed by dual way to the atemporal one with the same relevancy to physics.

You should become familiar with AWT Theory, which effectively renders both aspatial, both atemporal universe as a special cases of this theory. By AWT each interpretation is a matter of observational perspective, insintric or extrinsic one. By AWT each space-time concept is asymmetric Aether density fluctuation, where spatial dimensions are perpendicular/normal to the temporal one(s). If you will observe an Aether foam from sufficiently distant (extrinsic) perspective, you'll see just a density fluctuations resting in atemporal space - so I've no problem with your stance, at least conceptually.

My problem is, the Atemporal universe concept brings no testable predictions into physics, being too remote from our everyday perspective - so it remains useless in my eyes. If it would bring some, I'd use it without problem, because - as I've said already - it's just one of many ways, how the AWT can be interpreted.