Greetings Mr. Bigg78,

This should probably be in the physics forum.

The idea of infinity usually carries some baggage about sequences and order. This most likely stems from studied of natural numbers where we have an infinite ordered sequence of quantities. This carries over into space and time where each of these dimensions are linear ordered sets.

In the mathematical treatment of infinity sequence and order are not implicite in the concept. A set is said to be infinite if and only if it can be placed in a one-to-one correspondence with a proper subset of itself. There is nothing in this that involve sequences, order or quantitiy.

In fact there is nothing inconsistent with a-temporal or a-spatial infinities.

As for your question: "Would it be correct to say that the entire Universe and it's constituent can be described without a time dimension."

Maybe. Some physicist hold that the universe is a collection of nothing more than relations and that time is an emergent property.

Yes, time is a creation of the mind, but so is temperature. The next time you burn yourself you might reflect on creations of the mind. You might also look up the notion, from philosophy, of Universals.

Dr. R.