Funny how 8 months after starting this thread I'm seraching on google for 'Atemporal Universe' and this is the first result.

It's been 8 months, long time since I visisted this website, I have a new job.. but for some reason if you add up all the energy contained in the Universe, it's still the same. Nothing at it's most fundamental level has vanished from the Universe or come into exsistence.

There has only been continuous motion throughout the Universe.

All I experience is 'now' all I will ever expereience is 'now'. I remember the past and I have expectations for the futur, but I do so now.

Well maybe we see a little bit in the past since all we see is a mental reproduction of a photonic reaction on our retina that is being transmited electrically to our neurons through the optical nerves. And I believe that apart form quantum entanglement, data transmission is never truely instantenous.

What was, still is, and always will be such is the truth of the eternal now.