Below just means formed opposite. In the example i was using it would be below the plane of the string. The assymetry of anti and regular matter has no bearing on my theory. just like why space is 4 dimensions. i havent tried to explain it and nothing in my theory requires an explaination of it to function.Its an obsevered fact.
Gravity is the curvature of space/time caused by matter distorting it. Its the same as einstein
Once again i'm not saying the forces dont exist i'm saying that they work differnetly than prieviousy thought. They worl through space/time. As i'm not as fully educated in physics as i would like to be, i didnt consider the strong and weak nuclear forces but they are both eaisly integrated into my theory. Since matter is twists in space/time and the shape of the twist gives observable features of matter, the strong force would result from standing wave created by the orbit of electrons since it is only one atom's worth of electrons the resulting wave is therefore very limeted in range. This also explains the pairing of one electron to a proton. Since the electron is moving it creates enough of a wave to counterbalance the stationary but much larger proton. Now weak nuclear force is what causes beta decay. this can be explained as extra protons in the nucleus creating a wave that overcomes the attraction between the proton and electron thus flinging out the electron.