Originally Posted By: Revlgking

... It really is an awesome universe, eh? It makes me believe there really could be GØD, or GOD.
To this I will add: This fits my concept of GØD, not as A being, but as the NO-thing in which things originate and from which they emanate, evolve, circulate, expand and grow in all directions, unconsciously.

As I understand it, science can only speculate when the first conscious and sentient beings appeared on earth. The same is true for the first self-conscious and human-like beings. I suspect they were when the first artists, the ones who began to record events on the walls of caves and became the first historians--or story tellers.

Humane beings? Who were the first humane beings? Again, speculation. I like to think that they were the first spiritually motivated people, philosophers--the first to say, as Moses learned in Exodus 3:14, "I am that I am"... and who I will be. Perhaps they were the philosopher/artists and story tellers who invented heaven and the gods, up there, who, in return for our giving them praise and respect, invite us to join them.

The first philosophers ... also invented hell--depicted in our bad dreams--in the hope that the fear of it would motivate us all the more to want to go to heaven--the place of pleasant dreams.

Last edited by Revlgking; 05/08/08 03:12 PM.