well do you know about every judaeo/christian society that has ever been built? i think that's a poor generalization because history states otherwise; the dark ages, the inquisition, the crusades, the massacres of the old testament(judaism), the christian 'priests' of our era, there are many examples.

BFP, the bad examples of J/C, which you give, no more represent the basic teachings of J/C than do any numbers of bad examples I could give of the actions of certain atheists.

For example, how about atheistic Communism--under Stalin and Mao? Do they represent the actions of moral, ethical and loving atheists? I do not think so.

On the basis of what Stalin and Mao, not to mention Hitler, did, would it be fair of me to argue: See, atheism invariably results in gross evils?

BFP, your response to my question, please! I have a feeling you will ignore it. BTW, I agree that I am prejudiced in favour of J/C over Stalin, Mao and Hitler. smile

I agree with you: No beliefs--even noble ones--should ever be imposed. The Judaeo/Christian principles that I value teach this.

Last edited by Revlgking; 05/03/08 10:16 PM.