BioFuel production is based upon the cultivation of oil rich plants
Goverments are paying farmers to cultivate these crops, which after processing, approx 6% are added to gasolene and diesel products.
The world price of a barrel of oil is about $115 and rising.

The net importers of petroleum products are saving thousands of
Dollars per month, at the expense of the 3rd world poor, who are finding the price of their food has risen so high, that over 80% of their income is now going on food just to keep themselves alive.
Starving and undernourishment has become so bad in parts of Africa, that children have become so undernourished and just a step away from starvation that they cannot attend school.

Before Bio-crops took over, people used to eat two bowls of grain per day, they are now only eating one.
Not only that but food prices are rising world wide, the hoarding of rice and other grains by unscupulous dealers are affecting everyone.
Noticed the price of bread and pasta lately?

Bio-fuel crops are a crime against humanity, in my opinion.
They also indirectly pollute the air with the extra vehicles they fuel.
Trying to keep the price of fuels down at the expense of the 3rd world is evil.
The U.N cant do any more than issue a token amount of free grain to the starving as it gets reported in the press. Publicity or guilt?
Selling ones body for a bowl of grain, and a dose of Aids, is the biggest crime of all.
Money is no good to a starving person if there is no affordable food to buy.
This problem I'm writing about is not going to go away, until Bio-planting is banned, just you wait and see.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.