Socrates- The belief in a god creates the supposition that humans were created in the image of that god and thus are the summit of the destiny of this planet. It then becomes possible to excuse the greater and stupider excesses of humanity as being literally their god-given right to stuff up the world. Some even believe that god will rescue them on December the (I think) 21st 2012 by coming again and being nice to them because they said their prayers.

This handy way out is not available to people who give credence to evolution as a possible explanation for the existence of humanity. They do not BELIEVE in Evolution. It just so happens that at the moment evolution provides the starting point for an observable, and possibly in some areas, proveable theory for the reason for the starting point of life on this earth.

And just who said evolution only improves. Maybe we are evolving downwards----oh no! STOP! can't do that!---it's that pesky made in the image of god thing again!!!

Ah yes, belief does influence one's outlook.