ID pretends to be unreligious, but it is. Most of its adherents are very clear that they are religiously motivated when they are discussing things among their buds.

Aside from the fact that the VAST majority of IDers repeat the same arguments that creationists have already been making ...

Philip Johnson, the lawyer who started the current ID movement, has stated outright that the purpose for ID is to create a legal wedge for ramming God into the classroom.

When the icon of ID, J. Wells, for example, was speaking to the general public, he said that he approached his studies with an open mind and gradually became convinced that evolution had serious flaws. When he spoke to his own congretation, he said that he was speaking with Father (Rev. Moon) and they decided he need to refute evolution and that's the reason he went on for his two degrees. His book "Icons of Evolution" rehashing incorrect and well-refuted arguments that creationists have long been making.

The fact that there is a handful of agnostics and atheists in the ID movement, few of whom demonstrate a very clear understanding and a none a mastery of the subject is hardly evidence that it's not a religious movement.