Originally Posted By: terrytnewzealand
Socrates2007 wrote;

"Creationism is solely religious, ID has proponents who are atheist and agnostic."

You imply that ID is not reigiously inspired. What designed the various species? Or do you accept that adaptation to the environment is responsible for the design?

You also say:

"ID and Creationism is entirely distinct".

They are so distinct that no two people who accept either can agree on exactly what the expressions mean. Certainly their beliefs vary much more than do evolutionists' beliefs. Creationists can't even agree on when the earth was created and IDers seem to accept varying levels of evolution. Are there any IDers who accept humans evolved from Australopithecus?

I am in total agreement with Terrytnewzealand.

Moreover, Natural Selection is hardly bankrupt, and Evolution is alive and Well

Peoples beliefs depend very much upon which part of the world you come from. What religion you adhere to, or what tribe you have sprung from come.

Whether you are a God fearing Biblical scholar, or a follower of Darwin, an Atheist, a Ufologist, a member of the Dagon tribe, or even a believer in Intelligent Design, it makes no difference any more.

Since we are now controlling our own human evolvement, actively compressing, and speeding up our own human evolvement of millions of years, especially in the last few years, and the future.

We are about to overtake and outdo Nature, and God.
The agreement that 20 countrys had agreeing to ban human embryo engineering, is slowly being overturned.

Genetic replacement of diseased genes is accelerating. Human pressure has become too great.
To be able to cure,and abolish forever, the more common diseases, such as Obesity, Cystic-Fibrosis, Sexual diseases, Diabetes, even Cancer, is just around the corner.

We are about to control our own evolution, faster and better than Darwin ever believed, or God ever could.

Our Evolutionary method of reproduction, exchanges our genetic material so efficiently that it might not even be neccesary for us to evolve any further. Think about it.
We are intelligent and resourceful, and can do what we like.

Due to our evolutionary mixing, some one somewhere, or some group of people have the neccesesary compliment of genes to be able to overcome anything that "anti-life" can throw at us, or infect us.

All the DNA, and all other macroscopic replications of life, that are in our Universe, depend utterly upon the known (and mostly unknown) combinations of the atomic surfaces of each and every chemical, ajacent or near to its neighbours.
Millions of substances can combine, millions more combinations, cannot.
These combinations are totally scientific and are dependant upon their macro-atomic-surfaces, as to how they combine and interact.
Its just that a few, prehaps 24, can combine, in fact they have done so, to produce that self replicating germ...we call life.

It wont be long before we produce our own simple "life germs" in the laboratorys. Then we will see Evolution before our eyes.
The shadow of God may still be around, for some.
But Intelligent Design won't.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.