Originally Posted By: Revlgking
Andrea Thompson
Staff Writer
SPACE.com Thu Jun 7, 11:15 AM ET

The most distant black hole ever found is nearly 13 billion light-years from Earth, astronomers announced today.

The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope spotted the bright burst of light the black hole created as it sucked up nearby gas, heating it and causing it to glow very brightly in what's known as a quasar.
I found this reading the topic on physics.


Is this an announcement of a fact, or of faith? If it is a fact how do scientists go about proving it? How real is something that may have existed billions of years ago?

I think it's just an announcement of an observation; y'know, like 'today we saw an eclipse (caused by moon moving in front of the sun).'

Anyway, I have lots of catching up to do; but thought this was funny. Get it? ...thanks WWP.

Does my voice really sound like that? -Thomas Edison


Last edited by samwik; 06/09/07 07:02 AM.

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.