A tad more info on her from

"Hypatia ... contributed greatly to that city's intellectual community. Unfortunately, she was also a pagan and her wide popularity represented a threat to Christian religious leaders.

"As a consequence, a Christian mob on orders from the Archbishop Cyril of Alexandria, dragged her off of her chariot and scraped the flesh from her body while she was still alive. Cyril was in no way punished for this."

Most of what I have read previously said that Cyril "incited," but did not order her murder.
What this blurb doesn't tell you is that not only wasn't Cyril punished, he was sainted! In fairness, one of her closest friends and students was Bishop Synesius.

Imagine - when she was 12 years old, philosophers from hundreds of miles away (a huge distance in those days) would come to listen to her speak and discuss philosophy with her.

A more detailed history is