A. F. Kracklauer wrote:
" I have been promissed (threatened?) by now about 70 renowned "experts," that as soon as they found time, they were going to write a devastating critique. After 15 years, none have found time! Is that credible?"

I've yet to make it to the library so don't take this as a value judgment. But what you write here at SAGG sounds a lot like:

Points 1, 16, 17, and 21

In short, if you are legitimate, you are not doing yourself any favors with the attitude and it is little wonder you are being treated as a crackpot. Nor do your explanations, above, explain anything.

I read two of your papers, #18 and #19 from your link, and to say I am wholly unimpressed would be a statement of fact. My first impression is lots of sound and fury signifying nothing.

How long has it been since you've been in a university research lab? If an absence of non-locality is to be proven it is not with a pencil.

DA Morgan