I agree with leaving politics and religion out of it.

I didn't suggest your links were bogus. I stated flat out, in plain English, that they have zero credibility on a topic of serious science.

I posted links to actual research conducted by actual researchers with PhD's who are subject-matter experts. Take for example the statement by the researchers at the University of Texas at Austin.
Are they wrong? If so show me a link to peer reviewed research the argues the point that they are wrong. A link to "brneurosci.org" is meaningless if, as you said in your first paragraph ... you are interested in serious science.

I've no argument with the statement about linear projections. But then again I've no reason to believe that this argument isn't bogus as the PhD's I know are remarkably intelligent people.

I'd be happy to discuss refrigerants with you but I will hold you to a standard rather higher than that of the links you have posted so far.

PS: I like the jpl.nasa link you posted. Did you read it? If not here are the salient points:

1. "Short-Term ... 'Speed Bump'"

2. "... the decline is a fraction of the total ocean warming over the previous 48 years. "

3. "The recent cooling episode suggests sea level should have actually decreased in the past two years. Despite this, sea level has continued to rise. This may mean that sea level rise has recently shifted from being mostly caused by warming to being dominated by melting."

Global warming is not about one specific geographic area or one specific year or one specific storm. It is rather the determination of climatology and meteorology experts from all countries looking at serious science covering a very large number of years.

I note you ignored my point about your search criterion being biased. I note you ignored my point about the equally low value of biasing in the other direction. You are conversing with someone who not only teaches at a university but has spent more than a few hours at Stanford and CalTech and who has lectured at NASA and both Lawrence Livermore and Argonne National Laboratories. If you wish serious science from me ... then anticipate that I expect the same from you.

As I have made a promise to Kate ... if you don't post serious science ... I will ignore your response.

Last edited by DA Morgan; 02/19/07 02:10 AM.

DA Morgan