Hello everyone,

Fact 1:
Polar ice is actually gaining in mass.

Fact 2:
CO2 only absorbs one type of infrared radiation. CO2 absorbs this radiation when it collides with other molecules, then releases what little heat it managed to maintain, higher in the atmosphere under different atmospheric pressure. The laws of Thermodynamics state that CO2 can not retain this heat. In other words?Heat can not be ?trapped.? Try using about 100 ppm of CO2 as insulation in our walls. (lol) It is physically impossible for 100 ppm of CO2 to produce enough energy to heat the entire planet. The CO2 will start to cool to ambient temperatures the second after it heats. The two oxygen atoms offer almost no insulation for the one carbon atom to retain the heat.

We need to realize that ?global warming? is also happening on Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, and Triton, and maybe others that we haven?t noticed. Maybe the term should be ?solar warming.?

The IPCC has now admitted that the 2001 report was bogus. They admit they knew the numbers were wrong and never should have been used.

Plate tectonics are the cause of climate change. India used to be connected to Antarctica?Just think about the climate changes recorded in India?s past as it moved from the South Pole, across the equator to its current position. 10,000 years ago, Egypt was a tropical paradise. Climate change has, and will, always occur. The earth has never had a constant climate.

If we pay attention to Gore?s movie, we?ll see he is talking about the effects of the ?atmospheric brown cloud? and not CO2. It?s a shame that so many of us missed the main point of the movie. Here?s a NASA link. Funny, notice the third picture, of China. This picture is proof that sea level has lowered over the years?HMMM.


?Darwinism? or ?evolutionists? are a cult of people that run around claiming that the theory of evolution proves there is no god. But, the theory of evolution needs a god for life to have started. The theory of evolution avoids the origin of life. Evolution (change) is real?But the theory of evolution is not. The Cambrian Explosion is proof enough. (My opinion)

American Heritage Dictionary ?
Dar?win?ism (d?r'wĭ-nĭz'əm)
n. A theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. Also called Darwinian theory.
End fact :-)

I would stick to the LAW of Biogenesis, not the theory of evolution. The law of biogenesis was firmly established in science long before the contrivance of modern evolutionary theories.

Abiogenesis is the theory of life from non living matter?or, the start of life. Some claim this theory is no longer valid, but the Miller-Urey experiment proved that amino acids cam form under certain conditions. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. Amino acids are everywhere. Even in space, and in meteorites. I?m sure that the amino acids that started life on Earth simply fell from space. Thousands of tons of organic materials from deep space called micrometeorites, or Brownlee particles, fall on the Earth every year.

The Earth has been warming for over 10,000 years, when the last glacial period ended. We had a brief mini ice age that ended in 1850. Why do all of the GWer?s insist on using charts that start at the end of an ice age? Naturally, the data will show ?warming? from 1850 to present.

You know, I believe that the Earth?s magnetic field has something to do with everything that is wrong today. The magnetic field has been weakening right along with global warming, soaring cancer rates, the moving magnetic poles, stronger geomagnetic storms, even Bermuda triangle phenomenon could be associated with the magnetic field. (My opinion) See this link and think for yourself.

