Ok DA Morgan, "global warming is indisputable" Maybe if you break the word down a bit it becomes in dispute able. But it seems it is of no use to you as your mind is closed. Someone who says it is indisputable has stopped being scientific. If you remember back to about this time last year we had over 200 scientist coming to the conclusion that the world was about to run out of Oil. Surely we remember the thousand of media articles backed with science re "The end of Oil". funny how that topic is off the radar now the price of oil is down 30% from its peak. remain open to new ideas. Oh yes, those of us old enough remember the 70s when the world was running out of oil. And then there are those who do the research and have read of the social mania in the 70s over oil. well we have a social mania today on Climate Change.

Barry N Depledge