Pasti: Thank you for being a now-hear-this person not a yes man.

The buckyballs are to be directly in contact with the substrate.
Part of the research will be to find out if the semiconductor under the buckyballs has to be annealed.
The embeddant surrounds the buckyballs. The paper on tunneling insulators assures me that 1.2 nm is thick enough to be an electrical barrier.
Researchers have produced monolayers of uniform 12 nm Co spheres . C60 may also be dispersible though it is much smaller.
A diode array based on ~10 nm metal spheres could be made but should be done only if it doesn't deflect too much money from the goal of maximum diode packing density.
Johnson Noise is disequilibrium power in resistors.
Perhaps buckyballs could be dispersed dry electrostatically under a very thin cover slip.
Buckyballs as particles can be suspended in any liquid; perhaps some liquids would impart an electric charge on the buckyballs which would disperse them.
Mike of the nanofab network gave me the initial $50K quote. If serious money begins to emerge, the quote can be refined. During the refining everyone can make sure that adequate assumptions are made.

Aloha, Charlie