G'day Sam,

Spread of Malaria

My bad habit of reading research papers that I find interesting but not cataloging them has come back to bite me yet again. I cannot lay my hands on the research which I was referring to right now. I can find nesw articles that refer to it but not the research itself. I will, might take me a few days, is all.

I am attempting to correct this problem by being much more careful to add these types of research papers that are not directly relevent to my studies into my database but it is a long slow process.

He is a website I found that disputes the nexus between global warming and spread of disease. The site seems to be rather right wing but the arguments seem reasonable. I'll look for some better ones.


Here's a press release that makes similar points:


I did like the quote:

?Why don?t we devote our resources to tackling these diseases directly, instead of spending billions in vain attempts to change the weather??
I'd prefer to cite research directly and will when I've managed to backtrack where the research is. This at least is a beginning.



Sane=fits in. Unreasonable=world needs to fit to him. All Progress requires unreasonableness