G'day Mike,

What I said was not just my opinion. I have actually read research on coral reefs, and polar bears. I have not seen one single paper on polar bears that suggest their population is decreasing. You are using suggestions as to why polar bears may be under threat but the only way to know if this is true is to do the research of those that actually track polar bears or count them. I do know for instance that polar bears do not bear single cubs as the norm but as for the rest, it probably happens. The question is, overall, does it have much effect on the population. That type of explanatory remarks make the loss of polar bears sound real but they are not a substitute for real research. That research says that polar bear populations are increasing. Try the WWF for polar bear populations in Canada. If you want to argue this further I would suggest you point to research which shows polar bears are dying out.

Your comment on coral reefs obviously suggests your understanding of coral reefs is a bit lacking. Coral reefs are hugely affected by the river systems that feed the waters that surround them but once again that level of detail is best left to experts on coral reefs. Instead of suggesting my explanation was wrong, how about looking at what experts think.

As to disease, specifically malaria, your statement did imply that this was because of warming. Any reasonable person would have read into your four points that they were because of global warming. Disease migration, especially maliaria, is not due to global warming and I would be happy to point to research on this subject. My comments stand as they are.

Solar activities are not a field I am an expert in. However, I do understand that you can have a cluster of sunspots within a quiet period. If 2011 is predicted to be such a cluster then it may have a temporary effect on communications however unless the expected increase is going to be long term, and the studies I've read state that it will be quiet for the next 50 years, it will have no effect on the earth's climate. Bit like having a very hot day in the middle of winter. The snow might melt a bit but the next day when the temperatures go back to normal, so does everything else.



Sane=fits in. Unreasonable=world needs to fit to him. All Progress requires unreasonableness