More and more scientists are reluctantly admitting that the Earth is getting warmer. The exact cause of this warming has been obscured by the various natural feedback mechanisms that nature brings into play, in trying to preserve the status quo.
Trying to calculate the effect of the many and varied feedbacks involved, is proving so difficult
that many scientist would rather not comment.

Its when the natural feed back mechanism breaks down that we are liable to experience 'thermal runaway' with all its consequences.

Daniel Morgan has put out a lot of excellent posts, all about global warming, and its consequences.
Those that have doubts, should scroll back and read them.

Its pointless arguing that glaciers are melting, and then stating that they are growing back in thickness elsewhere. It dos'nt mean much since overall, its a feedback mechanism of Nature, that is trying to redistributing itself and preserve its status quo.

Its the total overall effect, of those few +degrees worldwide, that has to be looked at and taken into account, both above and below the Earths surface.

Prehaps one ought to be reminded that sharks, and man-of-war jelly fish, are now straying into the seas around Europe.
That Coral growing in the tropical seas, are dying, due to the warmer waters.
That the deserts in the world are increasing in area rapidly.
Not forgetting the slow northward march of the malaria mosquitoe.

Polar Bears hollow out snow caves, in which they hibernate and give birth. Their snow shelters are OVER the sea. They also trek hundreds of miles across the ice to hunt for seal.
But more are dying from exaustion by swimming, since the ice floes are breaking up and getting fewer. They need the ice to lay on, watch, and catch their food.

Your great grandfathers were looking for the 'North West Passage, (Frobisher etc) 200 years ago. There was'nt one, was solid ice all year round.
Today Canada is thinking of passing a law, so that they can charge a fee for all American, European and Japanese tankers that will soon be using this short cut all year round.
There are plans to built a second and much wider Panama Canal, it probably wont be needed, the northern route to Continents would be quicker.
Read the para labelled "Competition"

You dont have to be a scientist to realise there is more moisture (energy) in the air, look at our world weather.

Finally you might not know it,unless you were told by NASA,....that the Sun's output is increasing?

"You will never find a real Human being - even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.