Originally posted by RicS:
Richard says:-

The populations of polar bears are increasing especially in areas of the Arctic where the temperature is increasing.

Coral reefs. Been around for hundreds of millions of years. They actually thrive in very hot world climate conditions........

Malaria. Global warming. No connection!..................... I would really suggest you do a search on all the medical research about this subject before making such a statement again.

And one last thing, the article on solar magnetic fields to be blame for any global warming is not an argument that supports your views on global warming at all.

Solar Activity-
That article was saying that it was all due increased solar activity. That was a news article but, according, to a whole bunch of research coming from solar experts, we have just this month entered a quiet phase which will last at least 50 years.

Hi Richard,

Taking Solar activity first:-
That article was saying that "it was all due to INCREASED solar activity" ....Q.E.D
End of conversation. Sorry to be so curt, I'm short of time.
Also you say-............"we have just this month entered a quiet phase which will last at least 50 years".
I dont know Richard, you may be right....however the sun is gearing up for a 'sunspot ' maximum. A sunspot maximum means an active sun. Next sunspot maximum is in 2011
Its predicted that it will be one of the worst ever, in terms of upsetting all types of communications, as well as 'tripping' power lines off, leaving homes and business's without power.

Malaria = Global warming?
I didnt say that, nor meant to imply it.
I just mentioned the 'slow march northward of the mosquitoe insect' ......implying, thats due to
global warming.

Coral Reefs...I said they are dying due to warmer
They may be affected by pollution, but river estuarys are usually hundreds of miles from the normal habitat of these delicate ANIMALS.

Lastly....You say the population of polar Bears are increasing?
The overall population of polar Bears is very much decreasing.
Since Artic warming, the Bears have moved in to the edges of human habitations and forage for food in rubbish dumps. Where they have become a dangerous nuisance. People drive out in trucks to photograph them, having never seen them before. Also Polar Bears only bear one Cub, they are very vunerable, as they normally walk with their mothers many hundreds of miles to the sea, at the edge of the ice shelf. Now due to warming, the ice shelf is not continuous, and breaks up into ice floes, the Cubs die from exaustion swimming from one ice floe to another. Itshould be noted that their food, the Seals, are only to be found in large numbers, in the sea at the edge of the ice shelf.
Another result of Global Warming.

"You will never find a real Human being - even in a mirror." .....Mike Kremer.



"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.