Blacknad wrote:
"Horses for courses - surely you can see the difference."

I can not and neither can history. History has repeatedly demonstrated that people willing to take orders from god, meaning of course those that claim to speak for him, are capable of crimes against humanity.

Blacknad wrote:
"I'm going to go back to your post on the 10 commandments ... maybe I have missed it.

By a country mile. But do not parrot back the copy of the 10 big ones from what I posted. Post the ones from your personal belief and let me expose the truth of what they actually are: A fabrication.

"I am simply stating that there is value in Christian morality."

I agree. There is value in Hindu morality. There is value in Shinto morality. There is value in Jewish and Islamic morality. There is value in Eastern Orthodox AND Roman Catholic morality. And yet for all of the value precisely how long have the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches been separated? How many deaths have resulted?

Do you remember the saying about practicing what you preach? Well the day the Lutherans and the Roman Catholics use that Christian morality for something other than waving around like a flag and apologize for the wanton death and destruction they caused in hundreds of years of bloody war I will start to pay attention. Talk is cheap. Where are the results?

What you are saying is no different from the heads of the Soviet Union or the PRC pointing to their constitutions and saying ... we are a free people. According to their constitutions they were. Some of us, however, looked beneath the covers and saw a horror show. That is precisely what Christian morality is. Looks great on paper. The practice however is utter nonsense and you know it.

Blacknad wrote:
"I manage a large team of people and tread the fine line between effectively managing their performance and showing compassion for them and serving their needs."

Blow your own horn if you wish. But attempting to change the subject is not allowed. Move past the rhetoric. Move to reality. The greatest integrity and peace on this planet is practiced in Colleges and Univeristies. We have never fought a war. We freely exchange ideas and meet without regard to language, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, or other prejudices. The world would be a far far happier place if we scrapped every relgious organization, sold off their trillions of dollars in holdings and used the money to educate the poor, and then let science and the scientific method be the philosophy of the future.

Do I believe scientists uncorruptable? No.
Do I believe it too would fail over time? Yes.
But it could do no worse than you and your church.

Time to take of the blinders Blacknad. Time to move past the empty words and broken promises. Your religion has not improved the quality of life on this planet. One success here ... a thousand failures everywhere else.

DA Morgan