There are examples of speciation at

Evolution is a fact. In science there is no such thing as an undisputable fact. However, evolution is as much a fact as the existence of hydrogen. Nobody has ever seen a hydrogen atom, but we don't teach them in school as "hypothetical" or "merely theoretical."

There are things that aren't explained yet. Every science has things that are unexplained - questions that haven't yet been answered. The theory of gravitation, however, is not mere speculation just because, as R. Feynman writes in Vol 1 of his "Essays on Physics", there is no mechanism for it. (Maybe there *IS* a mechanism by now, but there wasn't when he wrote it and still gravitation wasn't taught as "mere" theory.)

Fact does not mean "100% proven," at least not in the scientific parlance.

There's a lot more to say, but it's 1:30 am and I have to work tomorrow. If you honestly believe that evolution is more plausible than creationism, then you've probably done at least a little homework.