
I tried to find something on what I think your point is soley on potential brain injections. If I was really serious I would concentrate on animal testing due to the limited efforts of that kind on people. I did not search that. Not being my interest I got bored with the effort.

That paper discusses various studies for brain fluids and injections.

The following may touch on your interest.

[PDF] of CSF CSF Bulk Flow
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drawal and reinjection of metrizamide-containing CSF. Because of the delayed mixing observed ... containing CSF from adjacent brain substance. Ventricular ... - Similar pages

The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care ...
After reinjection of labeled RBCs, 1 mL of heparinized blood was drawn every ... the probe will detect significant blood from outside the brain substance, ... fulltext.00005373-199509000-00012.htm - Similar pages

[PDF] Experience with the antirabic vaccination in the two world wars
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the works of Hempt. The brain was exhausted by the means of ether,. with the aim of separating the inactive lipoid substances from the cellu-. lar elements. ... - Similar pages

Good luck, jjw