I can't blame Brin for wanting calmness and stability, but too much of a static society tends to negate any social progress. Without struggle there is no need for excellence, and without excellence there can be no goals to achieve. I wonder if Brin's Science Fiction works are utopian in nature? Not having read any of his work I'm withholding judgment, of course.

Not that I'm in favor of violence, I just think that it will always be with us. Unless we are willing and able to teach our young people how to get along and play on the team, whether it is in sports or in marriage or parenthood, we will always have some individuals who rule from might, not right. Peace comes with a pricetag; some indviduals may not be able to learn non-violent ways of coping. For some individuals, violence is habit-forming; it gives an adrenaline rush and a feeling of euphoria afterwards, I understand, and I can see how it would be easy to form an addiction to that. So do some people thrive on stress while others suffer greatly. It's the challenge! If it is addictive, then people will be found addicted to it.