Thanks Al, David Brin's ideas are very interesting and gave me something to think about. But I disagree with him because he doesn't hold them objectively enough, he has an agenda like all of us perhaps, but his is too obvious. Phrases like: life's wholesome pleasures; We all know self-righteous people. Brin explains his problem as such... "Except a relentless increase in irrationally indignant behavior, everywhere in society and across all political spectra". People have been saying this since the dawn of time. Brin wants calmness and stability which he sees as more reasoned than violence and instability. Put too bluntly and too briefly which I apologise in advance for. He's simply picked a side, in analising the facts of addiction, suited to his lifestyle. And not suited to the life of someone at the bottom of the pile. He pretends this advanced thinking suits all.