Originally posted by DA Morgan:
Well Rose and Kate, and the balance of your gender, I extend to you my sympathy after reading this nonsense: Pathetic. Truly pathetic.

And they wonder why woman, having a taste of financial self-sufficiency, don't want them any more. What a bunch of losers.

Advice to the guys: Buy a lot more video games. Expect to be spending a lot of time alone.
there is a quote i remember hearing when i was in junior high, but have no clue any more who said it. "A simple woman can usually figure out what makes men tick, but men, even geniuses, have trouble figuring out even a simple woman". in my entire life, i have never come close to figuring out any woman, despite many attempts. that does not mean im dumb (my IQ is in the genuis range), just not savy to the ways of women. nor do i have any problem saying that they are too complex for me.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.