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WHAT do women want from a man? In the past, surveys have overwhelmingly shown that women want a rich man, and men want a good-looking woman. While not much has changed for men, as women's financial independence has increased, it seems that their preferences have changed.

Fhionna Moore and colleagues at the University of St Andrews, UK, analysed questionnaires from 1851 heterosexual women between the ages of 18 and 35. They found that as a woman's level of "resource control" increases - in other words as they become more financially independent - so does their preference for physical attractiveness in potential partners.

Women who had low levels of control over their cash rated the financial status of a man over his looks. Those with a decent source of income rated physical attractiveness more highly. The study will appear in Evolution and Human Behavior.


On the other hand good looks don't make up for not remembering to put the toilet seat down or leaving dirty dishes in the sink.
A young woman seeks to breed with the biggest, most aggressive, hairiest, loudest, smelliest SOB she can find - hence the recreational joys of being a beer-gutted Hell's Angel. After conception she wants to stably nest and so marries an accountant. A couple of years later she wants to breed again, and goes out for another Hell's Angel.

Put her instead into a position of economic diminance and she goes looking for a trophy wife.

The third case is Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver. One is giddy with anticipation for what their spawn will mature into physically, mentally, and criminally. Uncle Al would have bred Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis.
I have never wanted to breed with anyone who was big, aggressive, and especially not hairy.

I prefer brains to brawns, thanks for the great sterotyping again Al.

You can't argue against that.
Originally posted by Chaoslillith:
I have never wanted to breed with anyone who was big, aggressive, and especially not hairy.

I prefer brains to brawns, thanks for the great sterotyping again Al.
I think Uncle Al was just projecting. Perhaps he wants to breed with someone big, harry and aggressive.
Where's your charity? Misogynist's need love too.
Posted By: y Re: Why women are changing their minds about men - 04/12/06 02:34 PM
So whatever happend to that old 'good sense of humour' chestnut, was it dis-proven while I slept.
Sense of humor has worked for me!

Also, the bad boy thing is relative. The science-nerd gals thought that I was a bad boy! And I was, by comparison to the pointy-headed, pencil-necked geeks they hung out with! wink
Social status in modern world replaced important characteristics such as physical strength and ability to survive, but considering that now wealthy doesn?t necessarily mean "smart nor strong" we still want to give our children good genes.

Physical appearance plays huge role in choosing of a partner for most of animals. For many is crutial

So what do we want from man?
Same thing as always: to secure bringing up of our children and pass on good genes.

And as a matter of discussion: I personally don?t know any girl/woman who likes big, hairy man.
Another thing is big ***** wink
No one knows what they want anymore. But it's likely to be what they can't have. If financially independent women do want a handsome man, then financially dependent men want a rich woman. It's logical, but how did it come about. It only works in a highly organised society. We surrender everything for financial security, we change our sexual perferences even in the sence that we can do it with anyone. We've become non sexual. Almost as we imagined aliens would be, we're already approaching that stage. But I see little enthusiasm for forging ahead, maybe it will crumble like the great experiment of the Soviet Union. The conflict between east and west is fought with little enthusiasm by the west. I think we might have to start all over again, more slowly and carefully. If we're going to give up our sexuality it could only be for some amazing dream.
Dogrock wrote:
"No one knows what they want anymore"

Just wild speculation ... but I would suspect they would want men that didn't insult them with statements such as the one you wrote.

1. Putting down the toilet seat
2. Taking out the trash without being asked
3. Sending flowers when they are not expected
4. Paying attention to spoken and unspoken communications

Pretty much the stuff comedienes have been using with female audiences when men are the butt of their jokes.
"Friedler came up with a comedy chef character who offered the women steak and chocolate cake. 'A clown with a red nose is fine for children, but we had to invent a new character for these adult women,' he reflects."

That was Nature, as in first published 04 November 1869, ISSN 0028-0836. Uncle Al would have gone for Manolo Blahnik boxes.

On a less humoorus note, women want to get pregnant,
Where is your personal and collective outrage over Federal prohibition of subsidized contraception, prohibition of OTC emergency contraception, and prohibition of abortion on demand? Sustained 10-14% of all teenage females are unwed pregnant.
to begin wth, women wd also prefer a good looking guy bt since demand far exceeds supply, then 'financial security' sounds more appealing... bt in the end nothing really matters more than is all commentry...

Originally posted by DA Morgan:
On the other hand good looks don't make up for not remembering to put the toilet seat down or leaving dirty dishes in the sink.
Why do women not leave the toilet seat up for us laugh ?
Originally posted by Johnny Boy:
Why do women not leave the toilet seat up for us laugh ?
to quote a friend i used to share an apartment with, "the vote for it down includes both men and women, while the vote for it up is only them men, there for its two to one for it being down." perhaps one day ill understand womans logic.
Perhaps one day i'll understand women's logic

thats the spirit...

Originally posted by Johnny Boy:
Why do women not leave the toilet seat up for us laugh ?
For a number of years I lived in a house full of women. By always putting the seat back down, I knew whenever another guy had been in the house. (My daughters never figured out how I knew.)
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Why women are changing their minds about men - 06/21/06 05:46 PM
Women want what they are taught, bred and told to want. There is a vast majority of women who don't go by the so-called rules of Biology. Science has made a blatant attempt to misidentify and misunderstand womankind in general for a long, long time. You don't have to be a feminist to see this...just be a woman. Try walking into a Doctor's office and being told, "We don't have a clue what's up with your body...but we can poke around and see what happens..."
It's been like this for a while now and the more and more girls who want to become music video vixens and the less girls want to make a difference and make an effort to bring the understanding of what a WOMAN is, to the forefront, then the more we will see dumb studies like this.
why dont women leave toilet seat up fr us

well if its all abt toilet seat then why not practice using the other kind ( indian pan )click only if you don't knw wht it looks like otherwise ignore the link. hassle of seat position...will also be good fr the joints!

peace smile
Well Rose and Kate, and the balance of your gender, I extend to you my sympathy after reading this nonsense: Pathetic. Truly pathetic.

And they wonder why woman, having a taste of financial self-sufficiency, don't want them any more. What a bunch of losers.

Advice to the guys: Buy a lot more video games. Expect to be spending a lot of time alone.
Ok, I am taking mine unfitted joke back, but on the other hand did anyone really expected to find scientific answer to "what do women really want from men?"

I would love to hear about anyone who would take a challenge to make up mathematical formula to solve that question.

I myself have always had very ignorant attitude towards math and for that matter I am absolutely useless, but I could help with finding criteria that should be considered in this challenge.

Anyone else up for that?
Well if this wonderful and enlightening thread doesn't move the three of you ... I doubt anything will.

Do you want a science site or should we just rename it to
i was wondering if there is any known correlation between narcissism and intolerance; be that at genetic level or is nurtured over a period of time!

Originally posted by DA Morgan:
Well Rose and Kate, and the balance of your gender, I extend to you my sympathy after reading this nonsense: Pathetic. Truly pathetic.

And they wonder why woman, having a taste of financial self-sufficiency, don't want them any more. What a bunch of losers.

Advice to the guys: Buy a lot more video games. Expect to be spending a lot of time alone.
there is a quote i remember hearing when i was in junior high, but have no clue any more who said it. "A simple woman can usually figure out what makes men tick, but men, even geniuses, have trouble figuring out even a simple woman". in my entire life, i have never come close to figuring out any woman, despite many attempts. that does not mean im dumb (my IQ is in the genuis range), just not savy to the ways of women. nor do i have any problem saying that they are too complex for me.
I've never found it at all difficult to understand women. The rules are rather simple actually.

1. Ask questions
2. Pay attention to the answers
3. Take out the garbage without being asked

Males seem to be perpetually stuck at age 12-14 in their attitudes toward females, sex, and in their pathetic Walter Mitty immitations.

Not familiar with Walter Mitty? Let me introduce you.
I would urge you to rent the Danny Kaye movie.
Originally posted by dehammer:
[QUOTE]there is a quote i remember hearing when i was in junior high, but have no clue any more who said it. "A simple woman can usually figure out what makes men tick, but men, even geniuses, have trouble figuring out even a simple woman".
It's a myth that women can't be understood. And what's more - it's a cop-out.

There are men that understand the finer points of quantum theory but say they can't understand women. It is simply a matter of where priorities lie. If men spent a fraction of the time trying to understand their partners needs and drives, that they otherwise spend on hobbies and interests then I'm sure the level of relational breakdown would fall considerably.

Originally posted by DA Morgan:
I've never found it at all difficult to understand women. The rules are rather simple actually.

1. Ask questions
2. Pay attention to the answers
3. Take out the garbage without being asked

Males seem to be perpetually stuck at age 12-14 in their attitudes toward females, sex, and in their pathetic Walter Mitty immitations.

Not familiar with Walter Mitty? Let me introduce you.
I would urge you to rent the Danny Kaye movie.
then explain the logic behind this. if a man works a 8 shift, has 8 hours off and knows he will be pulling another 8 right after that, he sleeps for a large chunk of that 8 hours. A woman that worked for me when i was a store manager, had to spend that time doing house work, even though she was going to have 32 hours off later, during which she had nothing else planned. Ive seen that happen many times. she explained that the work was suppose to be done then. what does that mean. There are more things about women, that they can explain, but still not be understood. yes many ppl have the ability to understand somethings about then, but a large part of men will tell you they dont understand them, even when they have everything explained. as far as taking out the trash, what does that have anything to do with anything. that is pure copout.
What about her behaviour don't you understand? Seems perfectly rational to me.

That you ask:
"as far as taking out the trash, what does that have anything to do with anything."

As soon as I catch my breath
I'll try to answer ...
Before I answer I've really got to know: Are you over or under 16 years of age?
im 47.

let me ask you this. are the women that are expecting you to take the trash out the same ones that are complaining about the sterotyping of the sexes. explain the logic of that.
Asking questions and paying attention to the answers is a lot harder and much more emotionally draining for men than women seem to understand. Maybe men don't want to hear about their day? Maybe they do. I suppose it all depends on the man. But would it be too difficult to at least attempt a far out exaggerated story likely to entertain?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Why women are changing their minds about men - 06/27/06 12:08 PM
men your greatdo some more researh man.....we will need them!!!!!!
Jeff ... try using English.
dehammer asks:
"are the women that are expecting you to take the trash out the same ones that are complaining about the sterotyping of the sexes."

Complaining? Let me see if I've got this correctly. Men offer opinions and women complain.

Try this link:
you are a highly accomplished master of the misdirection. again i say what does this have to do with anything. no one said there was any difference between men's and women's complaints and opinions, did they. if they did, show me.

in an earlier post you said

'What about her behaviour don't you understand? Seems perfectly rational to me.'

what is rational about spending the little bit of time you have to sleep doing what you can do later, then complaining that you did not have the time to sleep, so you cant do the job. she had all the time she needed at a later time, yet it had to be done during the few hours that she should have schedualed her sleeping, what is logical about that.
It was a direct response to what you wrote.
I think men want to be accepted for who they are and appreciated without anyone wanting or trying to change them.

Women want to be so loved that their partner would be willing to, God forbid, change.

"Attempts to formulate a "perfect society" on any foundation other than "Women and children first!" is not only witless, it is automatically genocidal. Nevertheless, starry-eyed idealists (all of them male) have tried endlessly-and no doubt will keep on trying."
~ Robert Heinlein
Originally posted by DA Morgan:
It was a direct response to what you wrote.
sorry, but that looks more like a non response to me.
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