Yes - you are "god", too. Feels good, doesn't it?

at first when I read that I pictured a fish swimming in a
stream minding his own business carrying out his daily
routine who was startled by a plopping
sound as if something had been thrown into the stream ...

and I can see through the eyes of the fish as he swims over
to the location where he heard the sound coming from ...

hes looking at a shinny bright metallic object with a
big fat juicy worm dangling from it ...

the shinny metallic object and the big fat juicy worm
then begin to jump up and down as if it ha been startled by
the fish , and then the fish sees a tiny clear plastic line
that is attached to the bright shinny object that leads
up and out of the stream.

at first the fish was hungry but now hes curious so he quickly
darts through the water following the plastic line then suddenly
he is out of the water flying through the air and out of one
of his eyes he sees a man standing on the bank holding a
fishing rod and quickly tugging it up and down with a really
big grin on his face ...

and standing just behind the man is a really huge grizzly bear
who towers high above the mans head and to the right of the mans
head is a brown blur that is quickly approaching the mans head
the fish glances at the bears head , the bear has a really big grin on its face.

about that time the fish plops back into the stream and as
he does he hears a extremely large splash and feels a jolt
as he is swimming back to where the bright shinny metallic
object was he notices that the plastic line is now laying flat
on the bottom of the stream and the worm has crawled off of
the bright shinny metallic object ...

the fish swims over to the worm and asks the worm if he
would like to see the inside of his stomach and the worm said
that was exactly what the man asked you when he saw you just
before he tossed me into the stream.

as the fish is looking at the worm crawling away , the water
is quickly changing to a bright shinny red color the next thing the fish feels is something hes never experienced before ... there is no water ... he cant breath .. then . he sees the bears teeth he both hears and feels a loud crunch and then darkness.

the moral of this story is that theres always something bigger
than you are.

and of course the bait got away.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.