Indirectly science has already observed gravity waves a nobel prize was awarded for it and I totally accept that smile

I often think you jump to conclusion about what I think. You never actually read what I write and make up your own version which is actually so wrong you give me great amusement smile

You won't bother reading it but for the record my issue has never been GR it is cosmology and specifically Lambda-CDM model as it currently stands.

You probably won't understand or read this but it is Cosmic inflation in (Lambda-CDM) that predicts tensor fluctuations which you would call gravitational waves. Their amplitude is determined by the energy scale of inflation and it that which LIGO is looking for.

So when I back against gravity waves being detected I am backing against Lambda-CDM model not GR. That gravity waves exist I completely accept something you completely fail to grasp smile

All I can suggest is some reading on issues with the Lambda-CDM model. Hey if LIGO does see a gravity wave then Lambda-CDM is right and I completely accept it, I once backed against the Higgs as well smile

Last edited by Orac; 04/11/15 02:43 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.