Hiya, thank you for your reply again. smile

You say ''The color of light depends on the wavelength of the light. White light is light that has a great many colors in it.''

I will try to start from here with what I am asking.

White light, I presume you mean the light from a light bulb that illuminates my room compared to the colours in my room of objects?

The white light has a mixture, we do not see a mixture of colours, we see clear light?

I can see through the dark when I have my light turned on, when I turn the light off, I can no longer see the wall through the dark.

The white light is what I am referring to has the constant transmission medium.

I was asking then if in some way, that the wall modulates a signal back through itself to your eyes?

My little boy has got a set of night vision goggles, at night it looks light, so I suppose I was asking when the light is turned on and the brain interprets all the information, are we not just seeing in the dark?