Originally Posted By: paul
if temperatures aren't rising,
then what could be causing the melting?

any guesses?
Paul, you're confusing heat with temperature
(...or confusing the total system heating ...with air temperatures).

...the answer is in your article (Bill S's link above): "Study Blames Humans for Melting Glaciers"

Originally Posted By: published in Science Magazine
Over the last two decades, about 295 billion tons (269 billion metric tons) of ice is melting each year on average because of human causes and about 130 billion tons (121 million metric tons) a year are melting because of natural causes, Marzeion calculated.

Glaciers alone add to about four-tenths of an inch of sea level rise every decade, along with even bigger increases from melting ice sheets — which are different than glaciers — and the expansion of water with warmer temperatures.

Plenty of extra heating goes into melting all of that ice, and expanding all of those oceans.

~ wink

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.