And that was the bit I was trying to get Bill S to realize that you therefore end up with a time gradient on you

I believe that pointing to a gradient of gravity and now
time will only tend to exacerbate the degree of mental comprehension.

Bill S has asked a valid question in my opinion and does not need to have invalid responses directed at him as a reply to his question.


Does that mean they would experience the same gravitational “attraction” in both places?

the offered answer ..

No, it means that the gravitational gradient is the same in both cases, because the radius of the supermassive black hole is about 10^6 km or more, compared to about 6x10^3 km for Earth.

"No" is correct

however to explain the why in such a manner is incorrect.
it would be extremely and most highly inaccurate to claim
that the gravitational gradient might possibly be the same
in both cases and base that claim only on the radius of each
case in question.

Bill S like myself seems to be more of a observer who is trying to understand why people think the way they think
about physics even if he does not support the way and ways
that the people think about physics.

the diameter of the mass at the center of a black hole may
be as large as the orbit of Uranus or larger or it may be really small.

but the gravity gradient produced by any black hole is
due to the amount of mass and the density of the mass
inside the black hole , therefore any equal distance from
any two black holes in the universe would not
be presented with the same gravity gradient or attraction from any direction.

likewise any two unequal distances from
any two black holes in the universe would not
be presented with the same gravity gradient or attraction from any direction.

the universe is not uniform when talking about gravity.
there are no two places in the universe where gravity is
exactly the same even if the two places are only a centimeter

we can add that there are no two galaxies that are exactly the
same anywhere in the universe.

to that we add that there is absolutely no "same" gravity gradient anywhere in the universe.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.