I didn't see anywhere I claimed QM could answer everything I did say partial try putting you reading glasses on your age is definitely getting to you smile

If you are going to extend "why" to everything then no science is going to answer that ever Bill, and it's just becomes another Bill's box crazy posts. Perhaps you should join Paul in a religion, it's not a big step from there, as classic physics answers no questions and is wrong. That means Paul was right ... dam!!!!!

QM answers some very specific questions in that we wouldn't have quantum electrodynamics, we wouldn't have quantum field theory our atomic theory literally wouldn't hold together and it explains why energy behaves well like energy. Does it answer everything nope it's not a theory of everything but that means it doesn't answer "why" to you, so GOD here we come.

Personally I don't really care how you feel about my claims not like "Bill the box" really matters in the scope of science just another poor anti-QM nutter, not like we don't see them every other day and I love some of your claims too smile

It's interesting symptom that all the crazies here seem to think it matters what they think. Here we are on a backwater science forum that most of this garbage would get moderated out on a normal science site and they think it matters. At least I am getting something useful out of the site in practicing my English so I can hopefully pass my english exam but I am not sure what you other crazies think your getting out of this.

Last edited by Orac; 05/26/14 02:07 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.