Originally Posted By: Bill S.
Unfortunately your propensity for launching vitriolic attacks on others, and persistently putting down people with lesser/different qualifications hints at an underlying insecurity.

I don't launch at people because they are unqualified I launch at illogical and clearly wrong things. I have never once used any sort of qualification as a justification of anything I am happy to be a janitor.

There have been positions which I totally disagree with but they were entirely logical I know Paul and Rev have both done that. My issue with Paul always comes when he tries to say something about science that either isn't true or is a total misrepresentation.

I have clashed with Bill for example over wanting to rule stuff in and out of an ultimate theory of anything. I called it what is was stupid because we don't have a clue what drives QM and we have yet to understand gravity. If he wanted to rephrase it as "likely" or "probably" I had no issue but "definitely" get the hell out of here.

I am entirely consistent with what annoys me, I don't expect people to agree with me and I don't mind if they have a different view but please be logical and truthful with arguments.

Originally Posted By: bill.s
I have to wonder how arrogant it is to describe classical physics as “folly”. Surely folly would be believing something when you had evidence that it was wrong. Shouldn't classical physics be seen as providing giants on whose shoulders future generations can stand to see greater things.

I have no issue if we were living in the 18th century but classic physics has been dead in the water over 100 years now and still people want to argue and try and return to it and think what amounts to millions of observations are somehow wrong.

In the past we have been lazy, classic physics could cover 99.99% of anything in the world and so we never bothered to correct it and hence here we are 100 years down the track. That is no longer true at all, everything in computers and half the new electronic devices are relying on QM. Next year we will have an entangled communication link from a satellite in space to earth. The Higg's discovery will change a whole pile of things over the coming years.

So exactly how much further do we have to go before we are allowed to get arrogant? The term Flat Earther's comes to mind which a term a certain president likes.

My problem with Ethan's article is it whats wrong with the 100 years the lets not upset anyone or anything. Everything has changed QM and the Higgs isn't going to go away and it's not going to blend neatly into classical physics. Everything from classic physics needs to be retested and that means every other field relying on classic physics needs to recheck implications it is a fact ... call us arrogant.

Last edited by Orac; 05/18/14 08:38 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.