The question I would ask you Paul is what you hope to achieve on this forum.

Science isn't a public opinion thing no-one gets to vote on it and really we don't give a flying toss what you or the general public think ... we even tell you to you face your all idiots because we simply don't care. Science is driven by Corporations, Governments, Military and greed with them all trying to get an edge and posting on here is not going to stop any of that EVER.

Public pressure may work on biology and that sort of area because they aren't seen as providing an edge but it certainly doesn't work in the hardcore areas.

This forum or any science forum can not change what science accepts as true it has no power and no authority. Every person on here could agree on something and it would still mean absolutely nothing to science it's not a popularity contest.

So basically you can't change anything and you won't influence anything on a science forum.

About the only thing you will do is peeve users who actually want to discuss science so you become nothing more than a troll. So then users sick of the trolling may then pick up a baseball bat and belt the crap out of baby Jesus and your god.

We get that you don't like science, science is evil, science is imaginary ... we simply don't care and it means nothing. Add whatever you want to the list you are a religious fruit-loop and your opinion carries about that weight by everyone on here. It's just trolling nothing more and it's just pointless.

You work out where you want to go from here because every now and again your trolling gets on our nerves and baby Jesus and God gets a flogging of it's life because we know it stops the troll and then you have to run off crying to Rose to make the bad man stop.

If there is a GOD I love his sense of humor the non believers get to totally ignore the believers until really we get to morality issues where you try and use laws to hold us in check smile

Last edited by Orac; 05/20/14 03:45 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.