all the pistons are the same size so the mercury will move slower and will have a lower velocity than the water because
the mercury is heavier than the water.

Paul Please not forget about spring 1 VS spring 2

green (oil ) go to left and to right the same ===>
water and mercury velocity is the same !!!

for liquid capacity / time and pipe diameter = velocity

for example
spring 1 = TANK 1
spring 2 = TANK 2

we can very precission change preasure in tank 1 and tank 2
during person inside boat is pushing.

we can steering the process to keep the same speed
inside pipe full of water and full of mercury

Preasure inside tank 1 and tank 2
it is different resistance for (green) oil .
Green oil joust pushing in one and the same time water and mercury

the same energy will go to left and to right side
( Force x distance x time = the same )
and velocity inside pipes must be the same

only radial force will be different !!!

we can use nozzle ( spring 1 big diameter , spring 2 small diameter )

we can use two taps ( spring 1 mercury = full open )
( spring 2 - water minimal open )

Last edited by newton; 05/16/14 03:10 PM.