ROFL sure he did ... another lie really please when will you learn to try telling the truth.

I tried pulling Dr Iluk up on the academic roster for Wroclaw University because I thought I might be able to get him to intervene with you imagine my surprise when no such staff member exists.

What is even funnier I then tried to contact Eugeniusz Rusinski do you want to guess what my problem was smile

Here let me give you his details contact him

Vice-Rector for Research
Professor Eugeniusz Rusinski; Ph.D., D.Sc.
tel. +48 71 320 27 30, 328 59 85

So tell you what ask Dr ILUK to come post here show us you are telling the truth for once because for some reason he isn't on the staff list at the university. Hell get Prof Rusinski to come and have a chat the more the merrier.

With my background did you really think I wouldn't contact these people Marosz?

I love a chat with scientists I don't need much of an excuse smile

Is this like you working with armies .. well you post on defense forums but I am not sure that counts

So have you worked out who you work for yet is it Toyota, Armies or some secret organisation?

You have posted you work for 3 different things in the past 2 weeks alone smile

Oh and wait you are an engineer ... only your a CNC machine engineer in other words not an engineer at all.

I personally don't think you actually know what the truth looks like anymore.


Last edited by Orac; 04/25/14 03:26 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.