Marosz's Idea what is it graavitation ... ??????? smile

please remember day when I wrote below this word

[b]Each body is made from athoms
Inside atoms we have rotation ( electrons and other more smaller parts of the athom )

fast rotation is able generate EM wave

Each single athom in my body generate gravitation [/color]

More hot bodies = lower power of the signal ( gravitation Hz is going down )
Each material have got own special Hz we have different gravitation's Hz

Fe, Cu , Al , .... different period giving different mass the same capacity of material

when body speed up gravitation mass going down
absolute motion chnnging period inside athom

Electron---- center

Electron around center has got constant line speed

Electron---- center >>> 100 km/s

Electron---- center >>> 1000000 km/s

the same eletron in the same time will make circle around center but in absolute space we have bigger or smaler ellipse

when speed rise up Inertia mass m rise up only on parallel direction to speed ( perpendicular direction is neutral aand constant )

Last edited by newton; 03/30/14 09:20 PM.