Originally Posted By: Bill S
What Lubos seems to be saying here is that there was a singularity, as long as we define it as something other than a singularity!

“But there simply is something that is described as a singularity by classical general relativity”

Have I missed something here? GR might predict a singularity, but how can it describe one if the equations of GR break down at that point?

What I interpret he is saying is string theory has 10 dimensions and just because it goes to infinity on 4 of the dimensions (3D + time) which we define as a GR singularity under string theory that isn't really a singularity and that is what he means by the laws of physics could still be internally consistent.

So I interpret he is trying to say a GR singularity is not inconsistent because it is not a string theory singularity.

Lubos answered pretty well directly that here (read response 3)

So his answer is prefaced around the idea you accept string theory which because it his blog is self evident he does.

Without that fact you are exactly correct Bill S and I agree Lubos argument is very circular.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.