Most of global carbon cycle images I found on internet , the info are the same :

All of the images conbine all factors , natural CO2 emitter / absorption and human’s CO2 .
In my opinion , there is a another way to explain , make everything become easier to understand :

Because land , sea , .... and our plants right now can not store more CO2 , this thing make CO2 of atmostphere increase to high level , so here I split the CO2 cycle image into 3 images , 1st image is natural CO2 cycle but with out human’s factory , cars , burning fossil fuel . There is a surcharge of absorbing CO2 .

Here , I delete " burning fossil " in this image

2nd image , this is CO2 cycle they restore the environment of the past after they build a house : they plant some trees to make the environment equally absorb CO2 just like the past , before they build the house . Perhap 1 or 2 trembesi are ok .

3rd image is CO2 cycle of 1 car , if a family have 2 cars is ok with this image . 1 trembesi is ok to absorb CO2 of 2 average cars

1 family can cost 15 USD or 20 USD if 1 trembesi is 5 USD . If they want more , they can plant some Chirstmas trees , 3 or 4 trees to absorb methane . I “ Google” 2 weeks but no data for me to calculate how much methane 1 Christmas tree absorb .
Trembesi have many names ( And I hope I’m not wrong with this info )
The Golden Rain Tree original comes from eastern Asia. It is also known as the Pride in India, China Tree, and Varnish Tree. It is considered a small to medium deciduous type tree. It can grow from 23 feet inches tall up to 40 inches tall. It has long leaves that are six to sixteen inches long. It also has yellow flowers in the summertime. In the United States, it is a favorite tree among many growers because it can withstand many conditions including poor soil types, air pollution, and drought conditions. It can grow in the United States in zones 5 through 9.
How to Sprout Monkey Pod Rain Tree Seeds | Garden Guides
The monkey pod tree is a tropical member of the legume family. The tree is memorable for its huge, domed canopy and massive, gnarled roots. Growing to a height of 80 feet, the monkey pod is native to South America and grows in many tropical regions of the world. If you plan on growing a monkey pod tree, realize that this tree will get very large and it grows quite fast, from 2 1/2 to 5 feet per year, according to botanists at Bishop Museum in Honolulu. Very heat- and sunlight-dependent, the monkey pod tree is hardy in USDA zones 9 to 11.

The problem in US or any country is do they have any areas can plant trembesi or not ? And family have their own house , they don’t need to plant trembesi in front of their house , just donate money to a environmental organization so they can plant trembesi at some place

There are about 125000 schools in US . If someone help me with this manuscript , a newspaper publish it . And than a school will plants some trees to restore environment . After they plant trees to restore the environment , they plant 1 more tree : Trembesi (Samanea saman) , Carbon dioxide is absorbed reaches 28.488,39 kg/year.
If 125 000 school do this sample thing , we have :
125 000 * 28.5 = 3562500 tons CO2 is absorbed after 15 years , when trees became mature trees .
But according to :
We have 100 millions school in the world , after they restore the environment of the past by planting some trees , if only 50% school have enough money to plants more trees , 1 more tree for each school :
50 000 000 * 28.5 = 1 425 000 000 tons CO2 per years .
We emit about 29 gigatons CO2 per years .
According to
There are 85767 skycrappers in the world :
If after the owners of skycrappers restore the environment of the past by planting some trees , they have money to plant each skycrapper 1 more tree - trembesi :
85767 * 28.5 = 244359.5 tons CO2 per year .
Than we have many hotels , motel , hospitals , resorts , industrial areas , factories , theatres , police stations , courts , ......... in the world . They can do it .

IF 1 factory emit 365 tons CO2 per year , after they plant some trembesi because of position of the factory , they need more 365 tons CO2 / 28.5 = 13 trees . I think it cost not to much money .
An the most important is our houses . How many house in the world can restore the environment of the past and plant 1 more trembesi for each house ?
Before I post this topic here , I already post this topic on some sciencetific forum , I need to warn people , they need to change environmental law to protect environment : ,
After this post I will contact Amaranth and I really hope she will help me
We can solve climate change . There is a light .

But if Amaranth wion't help me , I will post on 1 or 2 forum , perhaps environmental sub - forum of about .com and than I ask for help . If no one help me with this manuscript , it's worst , just like the sorrow in my heart in some years . I know my kind - human kind were wrong , but can't warn them and their government even they were wrong unlucky for me . I don't know how to explain , but my life is unuseful .....

Thank you for reading this topic .

Last edited by Huynh Phu Dat; 03/23/14 02:36 PM.