With respect to publications written for the laypublic I would seriously suggest a trip to your local library and pick up copies of Scientific American: December issue. If I recall correctly the December issue, perhaps it is January, contains an index to articles for the previous year. There you will find good, understandable, discussions of these subjects.

With respects to ES's claim that entanglement doesn't exist ... no doubt he can offer some "proof" such as paper's written in peer reviewed journals that provide an alternative explanation. Perhaps he can explain why it is that so many lab experiment has demonstrated it. Perhaps he has an alternative explanation, based on theory not fantasy, as to how IBM and others have successfully teleported the properties of particles instantaneously. Perhaps but I doubt it.

I think ES is standing in the darkness proclaiming that reality isn't what it is because he doesn't like it and understand it.

Well many of us don't understand it: Actually all of us. But we aren't afraid of it either.

DA Morgan