test 1
Bulb ---AIR ( 100mm ) ---- camera ----->30 km/s

test 2
Bulb ---Water( 100mm) -----camera -----> 30 km/s

I don't need to speak how water slowdown air I know one
light need time
Ta - distance 100 mm inside air
Tw - distance 100 mm inside water

During Light is going to camera camera and Earth escape from light
How far from lihght will escape Earth please compare Ta and Tw
Earth speed = constant and we know that exist around Sun

please evaluate distance A and B
A) 30 km/s = 30 000 000 mm/s and time Ta
B) 30 km/s = 30 000 000 mm/s and time Tw

if A not equal B and Vearth = constant we can calibrate camera
( brightnes of picture inside air and inside water and in vacuum )

What about Michelson - Morley ??? My test very easy is able show East West 30 km/s and 220 km/s and others