Originally Posted By: newton

I never study quantum for me it is to hard to understand
I like simple machine ( car engine , vehicle ) I use my photocamera to test because I during play with my daugter
i made strange picture I was my motivation for test

Hence you can not understand that it is not just Einstein you are against it is QM.

QM is not that hard you can read around the more complicated mathematics which is just a formalization of the proofs.

There are millions of experiments that show QM is correct and as it describes the same universe as classic world and it explains why there can be NO ABSOLUTE SPACE and NO ZERO REFERENCE we accept Einstein is right or at least more right.

As you are trying to prove ABSOLUTE SPACE which no amount of classic experiments can prove because it is wrong I will simply ignore you the same as why all scientists do the same.

All mechanical and classical experiments will work up to certain limits on earth and you can use them for daily problems but you can't extend them into space or use them to try and explain the universe where they fail badly.

Good luck finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Last edited by Orac; 09/11/13 01:26 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.