TAXES?--Acting as corporation, the government had the power to levy heavy taxes on all imports--canned and salted meats, and so on. Thus, people who purchased imported goods paid heavy taxes.

Meanwhile, enterprising locals--willing to live on fish and other local products--were quite happy. Lots of bartering went on.

lots of bartering went on , and this led to local businesses
who hired local workers , who paid taxes.

and imported goods were seen as something that would destroy
the local businesses that formed.

so people worked local jobs , bought local goods , and paid
local taxes.

with imports the local jobs diminish , the local goods diminish
and the taxes also diminish.

heavy tariffs would be a great thing to happen in the U.S.
because all except the uber rich would gain.

but the first thing that would have to happen would be the
removal of those who would fight against a strong U.S. economy as they have been fighting against a strong U.S. economy ever since tariffs were removed or weakened which led to jobs and factories being moved to countries with an extremely low wage employee base.

import tariffs are good for a country , they inspire business
within a country.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.